Prince Andrew Can’t...? 😳😳😳
Sorry to go off topic in the midst of our managerial merry go round but the BBC’s coverage of the Churchill the dog lookalike erm sorry I mean Prince Andrew - squirming in the chair whilst being interviewed in a very choreographed fashion by the beebs well groomed Emily Maitlis...sorry that was a pun ‘Well Groomed’ is laughable.
The Prince comes across softly spoken as the victim in all of this lol 😂
The very fact that he had boarded the “Lolita Express” alongside other debautched high profile guests such as Bill Clinton and Gary Glitter,Rolf Harris with James Savile collecting the tickets on the way to Jeffrey Epstein’s island 🌴 doesn’t in the eyes of the law mean that the Prince had indulged in any sordid sexual acts !!
Nor does in the Prince’s own admission to Epstein being a “Friend” insinuate that he must have had some idea to what really happened on this island- does it??
Epstein as proven in the court of law was pronounced guilty of sexual offences with minors and imprisoned but only for 13 months (Max Clifford was his PR guy) and after his release Prince Andrew chose to stay with his old mate in his Mansion.
That’s where Andy messed up big time because instead of not going anywhere near the perv he’s openly endorsing his previous actions!!
Old Epstein won’t face any more charges due to the fact he was bumped off in prison - my opinion only please- I don’t want to end up in the tower!!
He was on 24 hour suicide watch but the two guards watching over him fell asleep 💤 and ironically the CCTV camera’s weren’t working- what an absolute bummer!!!!
No hint of a scandal there pmsl 😂
But going back to my original question.....How many men on here in their forties would remember fecking a hot 17 year old???
Answers on a postcard to be sent to Buckingham Palace please 😊👍