Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
The only thing I'll say about that is that I think some people over estimate how long it takes to scroll through threads and make a couple of posts. Personally it doesn't take me long, and as far as the previous remark goes , is it a bad thing to get involved and contribute ? I thought that was the point.
Apparently I'm "Roathie" now !!! After the whole WB stuff nothing surprises me, but I'm not anyone except me I'm afraid.
Don't bite , those with multiple identities are probably the very same who allege the same on you , they have one for footy and one for politics, the nastiness is born from you having an alternative view that doesn't match theirs .

It maybe reflected guilt , and we should perhaps consider they have some very deep routed problems , as we all agree there is a need for greater care in the community .

If you want a cheer up read , have a go at the manifesto of hope published today ,but don't challenge it as its 100% right init