Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post

Yes they should... They're convicted terrorists. Unless there's evidence uncovered of their innocence, there's no excuse for them not serving their whole sentence.
I agree that terrorists are a separate category, but similar questions come up for all violent criminals (especially murderers and rapists) and where there is a possibility of licence/parole before the full term is served. The criminal justice system is a mess and I want it to be better at keeping dangerous people off the streets, and better at turning dangerous people into non-dangerous people through effective rehabilitation. Whatever the system there has to be a decision made (even if a full term is served) - is this person safe to be released? If in doubt they have to stay locked up.

I'm still trying to understand how the release of this murderer was Labour's 'fault' after almost 10 years of Tory and Tory/LibDem Coalition governments. If the Opposition really is in charge and the government is powerless I might manage to be a bit more relaxed about the election. Although I suppose it has handed the press two or three days of deflection headlines - which is not clever from Corbyn.