Two Old men, Mike and Joe have been friends all of their lives. When it's clear Joe is dying Mike visits him everyday. One day Mike says. " Joe, we both loved football all our lives, and we played on Saturdays together for some many years. Do me a favour, when you get to Heaven, somehow let me know if there's football up there"

Joe looks up to Mike from his deathbed and agrees to do that. Shortly after he dies.

Midnight a couple of days later Mike awakes from sleep by a blinding flash of light and a voice calling to him.

" Mike, Mike"...

"Who is it asks Mike"

"Its Joe"

"Where are you "? asks Mike

" In heaven and I have some good news and bad news about football here. The good news is that a lot of our old mates are here and we are all young again and play football regularly"

" The bad news is that you're in the team this Saturday"