How many elections do Labour need to lose before the light bulb goes on , they have lost so many now , the two in recent years of May and Johnson were against a poor failing poor Tory party party , before that there were 2 against Cameron .

People of this country dont want the left policies on offer, that is very clear after 4 election defeats on the trot .

Tony Blair had huge majorities of 179 then 167 before his decline .

If the Labour Party had elected David Milliband instead of Ed this mysery would not be upon us .

You need to ask ones self where did so many million Labour votes go in two years.

Hoping the Tories will self destruct is not the answer.

The grown up approach is too appeal to the electorate , not take them for granted, get rid of momentum , and its cult like student protest agenda, reengage with its real heartlands by getting rid of its London elitism badge .

Drop the politics of envy and jealousy, be bold with tangible and workable policies not wish lists that you could drive a bus through.

Stop blaming wealthly people for the countries problems .

Be forward thinking not seek policies from decades past.

If they don't this government is there for 10 years or more,
and worryingly with no viable opposition.