Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Well, as I pick myself up off the floor after the shock of reading those first three predictions, L'll ask is anyone seriously expecting Trump to be impeached given the Republican majority in the Senate?

Nearly fifty years ago, a Republican President accepted that he did not have the support of all of his party and opted to resign before he was impeached. I can't help thinking that Nixon would not have had to resign today because he would have been fully supported by his party no matter what. On the other side, you get the clear feeling that the Democrats would vote en bloc for impeachment no matter how strong or weak the evidence against Trump.

By all accounts, there is a desire for "strong leaders" these days, but I look the world over and struggle to see anything other than political pygmies who are big on bluster and intolerance or rule by fear - where America goes, others follow.
Indeed. I gave my thoughts on the issue in another thread which seem to be playing out as predicted:

Did Trump head a skunk squad led by his personal lawyer to discredit a Democratic candidate and pressure a foreign government into investigating his son that triggered his impeachment?..........Almost certainly.

Will the Republican Senate, regardless of the wealth of evidence emerging including this televised "confession" remove him from office?.......Almost Certainly not.

Will you and your ilk see the Senate's verdict as vindication of Trump, that he did absolutely nothing wrong and bleat endlessly on that this was some kind of personal triumph......100% nailed on certainty!

One element is the sheer incompetence of the crew that Giuliani put together on this quest. It reads like a Who's Who of Gluey's go-to pundits, Giuliani, "Investigative" Reporter John Solomon, Congressman Devon Nunes and the legal tag team of Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing.

Here is Joe explaining to Breitbart the obstacles that the US Embassy in the Ukraine put in the way to stop him, his wife and Giuliani from their valiant quest by denying them entry visas.


and here is the Ukrainian Embassy website in the US explaining that US citizens with a valid passport have the right to visa free travel and stay for 90 days in any 180 day period!
