Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Except I never said it. I said it was logically implied due to the structure of the argument, in the same way that the Remainers are anti-democratic for rejecting the will of the people, and the anti-Trumpers who were supporting state agencies spying on political opponents and trying to remove them from office, when it was unconstitutional. The problem is people are twisting arguments to fit political beliefs, which in the case you mentioned was to smear Boris because he was a Brexiteer. TDS and BDS are two very real phenomenons, and we now have people supporting Iran over the western allies. The media have got you lot whipped up into a right old frenzy, and you now lack the ability to think critically due to inherent biases. The funniest thing I have seen is cyril going line-by-line through years old banter on a football message board, trying to find random comments to smear people for exposing his fake news propaganda. You couldn't make this shit up!
Unlike you who is making it up as you go along in your first two sentences - the waffle, obfuscation and denial of facts continues.