Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Do you think your evangelical approach to health applies to a young woman who was abused by her uncle and left home at 16 and found herself homeless on the streets of cardiff , got drawn into heroin , drawn into prostitution to pay for her habit , beaten by clients , beaten by her pimp etc
That story doesn’t make sense. If she was abused by the uncle why did she have to leave home? Was the uncle living in her house? Did she tell the police or her parents? If she left home why did she have to live on the streets? Most 16 year olds who leave home don’t sleep on the streets. If she was on the streets how could she afford heroin. In your story she was taking heroin before she became a prostitute. If she could afford the heroin before she became a prostitute why did she need to become a prostitute? This story seems to full of people and things making her do things. Most druggies are like that. It is never something they chose to do. It is always something forced on them.