Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
You need to read something other than a tabloid newspaper, no children are having anything done to them that is irreversible. Some teenagers get given drugs that delay puberty but any surgery takes place after people become adults and have years of counselling.

Again the same arguments were made against gay people and kids being forced into an “ideology”. People could try being on the right side of history instead of repeating mistakes by following the odd “story” in a tabloid newspaper.

I’m sure there will be the odd instance of something wrong being done, but in the majority of cases transgender kids are handled very well. And this needed to happen because of the high number of suicides among people who identified as transgender but never had any therapy of treatment.
You contradict yourself in the first paragraph - if teenagers are given drugs to delay puberty then children are having things to done to them that won't be able to be fixed later. There are plenty of people who detransition having felt they've made a grave error and find they are infertile and their bodies irrevocably changed. They are angry at how readily their feeling of being the other sex was ushered into transition when they were merely gay or lesbians, and just needed help and support. They then need to seek counselling for having to live in a state that was later found unnecessary.

The comparison with gay people is a false equivalence - gay people don't think of themselves in the "wrong" sexuality, and if they do it's perhaps because they can't come to terms with their homosexuality.

"The right side of history" - I don't read the tabloids on this and am a Corbyn voting atheist and I find it a little embarrassing that it's the right wing press who are mostly asking questions about transitioning kids and the attacks on women who have criticised elements of gender ideology and the flaws in self-ID. Women have been physically attacked and sent death threats and have been deplatformed and women's group meetings disrupted and intimidated for reasonably suggesting that people born male aren't the same as biological women no matter how they present. That doesn't sound like the right side of history.

It'd be interesting to see the figures on transgender suicides; the last transgender suicide I about read was about someone who couldn't stand the intense pain she was in after surgery.

Of course, it's a complex and difficult subject but that's all the more reason not to let a child decide they want to change their bodies for good when they're not yet even in high school.