Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
My hypothesis is it's a mild form of flu released by the ChiComs that's not life threatening to anyone other than east Asians and is less of a risk to east Asians themselves than the flu umpteen thousands die of every year when bronchitis or pneumonia set in. Put another way, it's tons of hype with very little substance to those who choose to look beyond the hype, which you and others appear incapable of. If you care to view footage from China their citizens' body temperature is checked whenever they take to the streets by people using a handheld device.

It's widely accepted that during Chairman Mao's tenure their utterly ruthless Communist Party deliberately killed around 60 million Chinese citizens, mostly by starvation. And China is far more overpopulated today than then.
I read that Brighton has shut a 2nd surgery!!
Don't look here, look over there.
If I believed in conspiracies, I would be thinking that there is something that the public isn't being told,
however, I get reassured by the CCMB squad that all is good and no need for concern.
I've booked a cruise for May, thankfully I always get the full Monty insurance wise, the only other time i have ever
booked a cruise I had to cancel!!!
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