Traditionally a burger or pattie or whatever you want to call it is round in shape and eaten in a bun dressed up occasionally with your lettuce and tomato and pickle and has been the same for a century.
The same for Sausages
Made the same way and the same shape for even longer.
Bacon however being a cut of meat derived from the pig
The pig is very versatile with several cuts tasting differently- pork shoulder shredded and turned into “Pulled Pork” - pork loin Smoked boiled or brined.

My point is people understandably choose the vegan option and I do agree that it could be healthier but why replicate these traditional meat products with plants?
Aren’t meat products offensive to a vegan who opposes butchery?
Why then EAT products that traditionally look like they derive from any animal??
That’s my point 🤔🤔🤔