Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
I have dieted before and cut out sugary drinks etc and felt better for it fairly quickly, last time I did that I also deleted all my social media accounts, as a result I was sleeping earlier and getting good sleeps, this naturally had a positive knock on effect with work, and I had more energy to enjoy myself out of work.

Now? I eat rubbish and processes food, anything quick. I'm also over eating at meal times and have gotten into the habit of having way too much in the way of snacks etc. It's had a negative knock on effect, I have no motivation in work or my personal life, I'll do the bare minimum, and I can find it a struggle to even motivate myself when I have my kid.

I know the first step for me is to diet, but I just can't seem to motivate myself into starting, I did the other week and the food mainly went to waste as I still ate (and bought more) crap,so last week I tried a new approach and on Monday I made a load of home cooked meals, curry and Bolognese etc, not necessarily the healthiest but a step in the right direction. Guess who are frozen pizzas and went to the chippy and binned all his pre prepared meals a few days later? Me.

I need some inspiration.
Sounds like you're a bit down mate if you don't mind me saying. First of all, congratulate yourself on the fact that you want to make some changes. That's positive and a move in the right direction. Secondly, make the changes slowly, start by being healthy for one day a week or just two half days and build it up in your own time. If you were training to do a marathon (and you are training your mind and your body) you wouldn't go out and run 15 miles at the first attempt, you'd slowly build up to it, 1 mile at a time, gaining confidence, self belief and starting to feel better. Thirdly-If you fail along the way don't dwell on it, concentrate on all of the good that you've done. Everyone makes mistakes or ****s up, thats just part of the process. Be kind to yourself, don't dwell on the things that make you feel shit, if you have a pizza now and again then so what.