The Tory plan sticks out a mile, it was always the way that the more well off in society ran the show, factory owners, head charangs of the large construction companies etc and it followed that these were Conservative backers. The EU to a certain extent stopped their gallop of shite wages, poor working conditions, flouting of health & safety etc. Immigrant workers were coming in and being treated properly and fairly, in my opinion that grated on many greedy ‘bosses’. It’s music to their ears now that many of the lower (but fairly) paid and lesser skilled operatives will be refused entry. Legal immigration will slow down but I fear illegal sweat shop immigration from non EU countries will increase and perhaps a blind eye will be turned by this Tory government to the practice of low wages, poor working conditions and H & E with an ‘If you don’t like it, f*ck off’ type of attitude. The less well off in society could bring facing Victorian like hard times.