Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
According to the ONS there were around 6,200 COVID 19 related deaths in the week 3-10 April with a sixth of them occurring outside hospitals - add on the figures from previous weeks and I think it's safe to say that the total figure we hear quoted so often on news programmes is probably in the region of 1,500 light of what it really is.

You are correct in what you say but many people (media and otherwise) appear to be insinuating that the Government is deliberately under reporting the deaths for some reason. This is clearly ridiculous and inaccurate - hospital data is a standard way of analysing and reporting around the world in pandemics such as this. The data is available daily and gives an accurate indication of how the pandemic is progressing in relation to day to day trends, so that it can all be fully analysed by the scientists/medics and advised upon. No one has ever said that it was a full and accurate record of total deaths and infections. The more detailed data including care home and other deaths is much more difficult and slower to collate - usually fortnightly or weekly although they appear to be trying to speed this up. Can you imagine the furore if the Government only released figures every two weeks !.

Also anyone who has ever been anywhere near a care home knows that they are a hot bed of infections and viruses at the best of times, with most having to be regularly closed to visitors. In a pandemic they were always, sadly, going to be a place where the virus could easily spread, with many associated deaths. The people in them usually have illnesses, live in close proximity to each other and many of them unfortunately are not sufficiently aware to be able to practice social distancing.