Did anyone see the news report on Sky news last night (I haven't seen if there was anything further today) about the Covid 19 situation in Mexico.

It was horrifying. There are 30 crematoria in Mexico City and they all have queues of bodies in hearses waiting to be cremated of about 3 days.

The Sky reporter reckoned based on 20 mortuaries that each crematorium was dealing with about 30 bodies a day. That means 600 in them daily, plus the other crematoria, plus ordinary burials.

And then there is Mexico State as well. The current official daily death rate is showing as between 3 to 400 in the whole of Mexico and yesterday there were around 3,900 deaths overall spilt roughly 1/2 and 1/2 between Mexico City and Mexico State.

An unidentified health service official reckoned that there were at least 5 times that number dead.

Based on the above figures that seemed optimistic to me.

They have run out of fridges so there are bodies in the mortuary corridors, the post mortem rooms are full of bodies.

A professor at a Mexico university reckoned that it had been worked out that the actual number infected was 24.8 times the official figure which yesterday was around 38,000 so the true total of those infected may well be over 800,000!!

If the death rate is 24.8 times the official figure as well that is truly horrifying!