Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
The people have the government they deserve. People voted for a libertarian tory and are now begging for socialist policies to get us through a crisis.

The NHS would have struggled in any sense but years of it being ran into the ground is coming home to roost.

People are praising the 500,000 who have volunteered for the NHS and fair play to them but why do we have to have voluteers? There are billionaires in this country who don't pay their tax who could pay those 500,000 a good wage.

How many of the half a million volunteers are millionaires or billionaires I wonder?
The super rich are of absolutely no value at the best of times, during situations like this they have absolutely zero purpose. The people who are being begged to help across the political landscape are workers. If people can't understand that then things like this will happen again.