To be fair, although threads like this pop up every now and then, and they can be quite amusing, as usual, it’s just all guff and hot air.
Since I was born, there have only ever been Conservative and Labour Governments in the UK, with the exception of one coalition.
It’s been the same arguments, regurgitated, time after time..
I’ve yet to see a government that can keep a 60m + population all happy, and I never will.
It’s easier to nail blancmange to a ceiling.
A socialist country would be as fraught with problems as a capitalist country is.
Mankind will always have folk at the bottom and folk at the top.
There will always be poor folk and rich folk.
There will always be strong folk and weak folk.
The majority of us find our comfortable niche somewhere in the equation, live our lives as well as we can and then shuffle off our mortal coils into oblivion.
If we can navigate through what can sometimes be a beautiful world, and sometimes a complete cess pit, to a ripe old age, then we can count ourselves to be the lucky ones.