Apparently the Chinese health director was on the phone to the us in tears on January 1st saying how bad it was there

Two weeks after the first case in Washington, the us secretary health asked for $2bn of supplies and trump cut it by 75%. A couple of days later the us sent supplies to china.

On feb 10th, as the article says, trump proposed cutting the CDC budget.

And so much more, not even mentioning all his public lying and general terrible advice, and hostile criticism of American officials. He's said no one could possibly know this would happen, having had a handover from Obama specifically on a pandemic like this.

The worst is to come in America, not just the cases themselves but the health care bills, the unhappy and desperate people with guns. It's not all Trump's fault but hes made it a lot worse than it needed to be. Pretty much every time he's opened his mouth or Twitter account he has made things worse.