Dan with Godsticks x 2 gigs
Dan with Magenta x 1 gig
Simple Minds x 1 gig
Lloyd Cole x 1 gig
All gone

Not being able to give my daughter a Hug, she's on a career path change and has just passed a 2nd exam towards her goal.
Grand kids out of bounds at the moment.
Son-in Law has a significant birthday bash arranged with many of the extended family coming down from Leicester to sample the ZooPort!! gone to rat shit.

Discussing the latest conspiracies with another poster on here who will remain unnamed at mum and dads on Sunday evenings.

It's all about family and helping where, and if possible anybody, I know that needs help,
TLG very kindly offered his help to me last week when we were in stuck, a neighbour stepped in but the offer was there!!!.