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Thread: Cardiff City will play in red next season

  1. #1

    Cardiff City will play in red next season

    So who was it that broke the news on this message board back in 2012? Wasn't it their one and only post?
    Who else on here knew before that message was posted?
    What were your first thoughts on reading that post? My thoughts were someone was on a massive windup. That's never going to happen in a million years.
    Last but not least, does that original thread still exist?

  2. #2

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Not sure who broke it on here, but didn’t the whispers break after the West Ham away game or did I dream that?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Yes it was after the Wst Ham game. A certain member of the Trust who had been at the meeting where eveyone swore to keep silence until the club could do it officially didn't keep to his word.

    Not that it mattered much in the end as the resistance would have been the same.

  4. #4

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Yes it was after the Wst Ham game. A certain member of the Trust who had been at the meeting where eveyone swore to keep silence until the club could do it officially didn't keep to his word.
    This is not true.

  5. #5

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    I remember that post. First I'd heard about it. My initial reaction was the same as yours VC.

  6. #6
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    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    This is not true.
    I bow to your greater knowledge. I was told after the game that it was Vince Alm who told certain people and it spread like wildfire. I'm more than happy to be corrected. But as I said, whoever it was in the long term it didn't makea lot of difference to the reaction.

  7. #7

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Palace away sat next to you Dave on the way home.
    That's when I knew

  8. #8

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    I heard about it a while before it became public, not going to say who told me, but I guess it probably originated from the same source. My feeling was, and always has been, that it's Tan's club as owner and he can do what he wants to with it, and fans can decide whether they like it or not.

    I never went to a home game while they played in red.

  9. #9

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    I remember hearing about it on the bus home after the West Ham away playoff, thought it was bullshit at first then people like splott parker started saying it, and I consider him many terrible things but a bullshitter and drama lover are not two of them

  10. #10

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Heart just sank reading the thread title!!
    That was a horrible time.
    Hopefully some of the bonds that were broken have been fixed a bit.

    Stupid and Needless.

    I wonder if it would have happened if we beat Blackpool?

  11. #11

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    It was a prominent poster on this board using a pseudonym if I remember correctly

    He no longer posts

    It spread pretty quickly anyway

  12. #12

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    It was Vincent Tan who obviously first broke the news, and thats basically all that matters.
    At the time there was still an unhealthy amount of what were comically known as “ the inner circle”. A group of sad individuals who were all just excess baggage left over from the Hammam era.
    A raggle taggle bunch of desperados who’d have done anything at the time to be the “in the know” top dog.
    Whether or not you like or forgive Tan for his pathetic rebrand shambles, one thing I'm grateful for, is it heralded the end for this bunch of jokers.

  13. #13

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I remember hearing about it on the bus home after the West Ham away playoff, thought it was bullshit at first then people like splott parker started saying it, and I consider him many terrible things but a bullshitter and drama lover are not two of them
    This is what I remember. I wasn't there. But that's what I remember seeing on here: "the bus home from West Ham". That whole episode really affected me. I was so shocked by how many fans just folded and went along with it. We also lost a lot of loyal and active fans. Many of whom never came back. There were people on here saying "you won't be missed". I miss them. Thankfully, it's a distant memory now. But just recently, seeing clips of Whitts, it still shocked me to see that we were playing home games in red. Especially against teams in blue. So weird.

  14. #14

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    It was Vincent Tan who obviously first broke the news, and thats basically all that matters.
    At the time there was still an unhealthy amount of what were comically known as “ the inner circle”. A group of sad individuals who were all just excess baggage left over from the Hammam era.
    A raggle taggle bunch of desperados who’d have done anything at the time to be the “in the know” top dog.
    Whether or not you like or forgive Tan for his pathetic rebrand shambles, one thing I'm grateful for, is it heralded the end for this bunch of jokers.
    Telling someone what you want and what will happen because you're rich and no one can stop you, is not the same as "breaking the news".

  15. #15

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    NYC not everyone went with it as you labelled it

    a dark day in the history of our club

  16. #16

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    NYC not everyone went with it as you labelled it

    a dark day in the history of our club
    I appreciate that. But it was shocking to me how many did. At least for the first two seasons. The backlash didn't really start until we were relegated.

  17. #17

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    I went along with it as I’d had my own debts and thought **** it I’d someone offered to paint my house red I’d take the money.

    Strange equivalence looking back,I was in the middle of a relationship breakdown and changing job so my priorities were elsewhere.

    Looking back it was a bollocks of a time, apologies to those who stood their ground (quite rightfully) and if I come out with some crap about getting over it 👍

  18. #18

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Telling someone what you want and what will happen because you're rich and no one can stop you, is not the same as "breaking the news".
    Errr. I think you’ll find it is.

  19. #19

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I remember hearing about it on the bus home after the West Ham away playoff, thought it was bullshit at first then people like splott parker started saying it, and I consider him many terrible things but a bullshitter and drama lover are not two of them
    Thank you very much Delmi and although I’ve won the lottery and am now writing a gossip column for Closer magazine I’ve not changed

  20. #20

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    If i owned the club id be playing myself.
    Things change it happens, I'd prefer it not to happen but i just dont think it bothered me like some people.

  21. #21

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I bow to your greater knowledge. I was told after the game that it was Vince Alm who told certain people and it spread like wildfire. I'm more than happy to be corrected. But as I said, whoever it was in the long term it didn't make a lot of difference to the reaction.
    In your initial post you said: "A certain member of the Trust who had been at the meeting where everyone swore to keep silence until the club could do it officially didn't keep to his word."

    I don't know what meeting you're referring to, but nobody from the Trust was involved. If memory serves, some of the officials from the Supporters' Club got to know about the re-brand before anyone else.

    The first I heard of it was on the bus travelling home from the West Ham game. I thought it was a wind-up. Indeed, I actually threatened to stop the bus and chuck Heathblue off if he kept talking about what seemed to be a load of nonsense. However, shortly before we arrived home I got a text from a friend who was very well-connected at the club and he told me that while not all of the post that had appeared on here was true, most of it was. My heart sank.

    The following morning I got a call from stadium manager Wayne Nash asking me to attend an urgent meeting with club officials later that day. That's when things got real. Red shirts, no Bluebird on the badge, fire and passion, various promises which never came to fruition, all that bollocks. Strange times indeed.

    Three key elements of the re-brand 'package' were Langston to be paid off within days (that went well), a debt-free club (that went well) and a new training ground (whatever happened to that?).

    Time is a great healer and the fact that Tan barely shows his face at the club anymore is a plus-point, but plenty of the fans who stopped going to games due to the re-brand have never returned (including some of this board's best contributors), while others who were previously staunch supporters no longer feel the same about the club.

    For me, the worst aspect of the re-brand and the reason why I'll never be able to forgive Tan for what he did is that a number of good friends have gone to their graves in recent years having either lost their love for Cardiff City completely or having lost much of their enthusiasm for the club. These were all people I met and became friends with because of the football, and who had previously been staunch supporters for most of their lives. That's something that can never be undone.

    The whole thing was so completely and utterly pointless, but I guess we can look back at it as an experience and it certainly changed a lot of lives, in many cases for the better.

  22. #22
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    In your initial post you said: "A certain member of the Trust who had been at the meeting where everyone swore to keep silence until the club could do it officially didn't keep to his word."

    I don't know what meeting you're referring to, but nobody from the Trust was involved. If memory serves, some of the officials from the Supporters' Club got to know about the re-brand before anyone else.

    The first I heard of it was on the bus travelling home from the West Ham game. I thought it was a wind-up. Indeed, I actually threatened to stop the bus and chuck Heathblue off if he kept talking about what seemed to be a load of nonsense. However, shortly before we arrived home I got a text from a friend who was very well-connected at the club and he told me that while not all of the post that had appeared on here was true, most of it was. My heart sank.

    The following morning I got a call from stadium manager Wayne Nash asking me to attend an urgent meeting with club officials later that day. That's when things got real. Red shirts, no Bluebird on the badge, fire and passion, various promises which never came to fruition, all that bollocks. Strange times indeed.

    Three key elements of the re-brand 'package' were Langston to be paid off within days (that went well), a debt-free club (that went well) and a new training ground (whatever happened to that?).

    Time is a great healer and the fact that Tan barely shows his face at the club anymore is a plus-point, but plenty of the fans who stopped going to games due to the re-brand have never returned (including some of this board's best contributors), while others who were previously staunch supporters no longer feel the same about the club.

    For me, the worst aspect of the re-brand and the reason why I'll never be able to forgive Tan for what he did is that a number of good friends have gone to their graves in recent years having either lost their love for Cardiff City completely or having lost much of their enthusiasm for the club. These were all people I met and became friends with because of the football, and who had previously been staunch supporters for most of their lives. That's something that can never be undone.

    The whole thing was so completely and utterly pointless, but I guess we can look back at it as an experience and it certainly changed a lot of lives, in many cases for the better.

    I knew I had it, and have just found the post in question,
    It was posted on may 7th 2012 at 18:49, obviously I would not repost it.
    I used to save lots of the stuff around this time and have a directory full of ccmb & **** posts that i considered controversial at the time. We had some right beauties posting

  23. #23

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
    Heart just sank reading the thread title!!
    That was a horrible time.
    Hopefully some of the bonds that were broken have been fixed a bit.

    Stupid and Needless.

    I wonder if it would have happened if we beat Blackpool?
    I see the what would have happened if wed beaten Blackpool mentioned a lot.

    Its an interesting one. The consensus seems to be wed have done well. Personally I think Dave Jones and his 442 and a very weak central midfield would have seen us relegated with a very low points total.

  24. #24

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by mazadona10 View Post
    If i owned the club id be playing myself.
    Things change it happens, I'd prefer it not to happen but i just dont think it bothered me like some people.
    I seem to recall that first post appearing shortly after the West Ham play off game had finished. I didn’t go to the game, and watched it at home. I remember being glued to the thread through the evening as it caught fire.

    Often wondered who posted it. From memory, it was well written, which ruled out a lot of the more well known fans at the time. :D

    If I had to put my money on it- it would have been DrPop or TVB (who could have pre prepared the post, before submitting when they got back in the coach). Or- if some one more connected with the club, probably Michael Issacs, ( who stood to lose out somewhat if memory serves)

  25. #25

    Re: Cardiff City will play in red next season

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    I see the what would have happened if wed beaten Blackpool mentioned a lot.

    Its an interesting one. The consensus seems to be wed have done well. Personally I think Dave Jones and his 442 and a very weak central midfield would have seen us relegated with a very low points total.
    Birmingham, Blackpool and West Ham went down the following season. That's two big clubs, and the West Ham team on paper was strong. Brum and Blackpool both got to 39 points.

    So yeah, I think we would have found it a struggle.

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