Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
I can see nothing in that article that mentions London or 'lockdown london'. I've read it several times now. Can you point it out to me please?

I mentioned Durham because other in this thread mentioned it, no other reason.

No one who responded to my post has referred to another article that I may not have or should have read. Not one! They merely comment on my post and assume knowledge for God knows what reason and reply to things that aren't there because that's what suits their argument.
I never made any presumption and I never mentioned anyone travelling anywhere whether alone or with anyone else. If I did please show me where?

Yes I was talking about one particular article, you got that bit right, so why has everyone insisted on berating me for things that are not in it and to which I never referred?

Personally I don't give a toss what he may or may not have done, it doesn't and won't affect my life, but I never defended him anywhere. Again if I have please show me. I actually said something to the effect of "whatever the circumstances what he did was probably not very clever, but again everyone, you included choose to disregard that because it doesn't suit your argument.

I never made any claim or assertion so how can I have been "Massively wrong"? By the way, is massively wrong somehow worse than wrong?
Perhaps it was this bit.

After the uncertainty of the bug itself, we emerged from quarantine into the almost comical uncertainty of London lockdown. Everything and its opposite seems true. People are frightened and they’re calm; it’s spring and it’s not. Standing in line’s a pain in the ass and the most fun you’ll have all day.