Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
Seriously, this is so lame. A few weeks ago, Priti Patel couldn't even read a number properly. Yesterday Michael Gove lied that he'd driven to test his eyesight for no other reason than because two days ago Dominic Cummings said he did (would you jump off a cliff if Dominic did?).

I am absolutely no fan of Corbyn and the others; in fact I think the country would be in a far better state than it is had they not been in charge of the Labour party even if they weren't in power. But looking at how far the UK has sunk since 2015, I just can't take anyone seriously who says "but it would have been worse under Labour, eh?"
Have a you ever heard Diane Abbott interviewed ? I'm merely making the point that her intellect is so low I wouldn't trust her with a paper round let alone running the country.

I am certainly not an apologist for the Tories. I had been a Labour voter all my life until Jezza took over. Brought up that way, more a socialist than a capitalist but the lines have been blurred ever since Blair came to power. However, the dream ticket of Corbyn and McDonnell made me run for the hills and there was no way I would blindly vote for them.

As dour as Gordon Brown was, the man was intellectually gifted. And he had the foresight of not agreeing to adopting the euro as our currency. If for instance it had been a choice of him or Boris, you may have had a point about "would it have been worse under Labour?" But Corbyn et al ? Really ?!!