Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
Fair enough, they're your kids and you know best how to bring them up. Me and my mrs have always had this unwritten rule of no drinking in the house, or more to the point, no getting pissed up in front of the kids, I just don't think it's healthy for kids to see their parents drunk, although that's just my opinion.
fair enough, we are only talking about 2 cocktails, pretty sure my girls have never seen me drunk, as i said, in the old world i never really drank, maybe a BBQ or when camping used to have a few beers, when we all come to the football i might grab a pack of 3 bottles in ASDA for before the game, it numbs the pain sometimes

Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
My brother has bar in their garden and the kids love playing bar boy/girl and pouring out drinks, tend to get less stingey measures too.
its just a bit of fun