I remember back in, perhaps, the mid-1990s, when the internet was just picking up speed, how astounding email was with its incredible ability to send and receive 'letters' to and from friends in seconds. Then Facebook showed up with an even more enhanced ability to stay in touch with family members. Upload photos, join groups, etc. Slowly, though, as the excitement of first discovery waned, I began to see the tricks that kept me engaged for too many hours, and how many creepy ads, very specific to my interests, started cropping up. Then it all descended into politics and acrimony. Two years ago I dumped Facebook and move to MeWe. Great move. No ads, never tracked, lots of groups, and a whole fresh start in which the only "friends" I accept are actually friends. Lots of baby pics. No hate.

Pretty much what I thought I was getting into when I signed up for Facebook. Live and learn.