I have taken a great interest in this thread and the other thread with great interest as I feel I know quite a bit about this case having actually attended the trial in Swansea on a few occasions.
Terry White (Lynette's father) was a good friend of mine and a few of us went along with Terry to offer him support.
I agree with most of the comments on here about SWP. utter wankers bent as phuc.
Unfortunately Terry is no longer with us and he went to his grave without ever knowing about Gaffor. Indeed it was only a matter of weeks after his passing that Gaffor was arrested.
At the time of the trials he was convinced by the police they had the right men .
I was also in the same school as Dulla who I knew would not have commited this horrendous crime I told Terry this but he was having none of it,Terry was a man who could not be reasoned with at this time in fact he smashed all the windows at the south wales echo on a few occasions because he was not happy with their reporting of the case calling his daughter a prostitute. He would smash all the windows and wait for the police to arrive and arrest him.
Also in the documentary Actie stated Terry turned up with a shotgun what he did not say was he put it through his letter box not knowing he could have actually walked in and let the gun go, TWICE.
He did not go there to frighten him he meant to kill him and this would have been another murder on the police's hands.
Another odd coincidence for me was I was on holiday in Barbados about 3 years ago having a drink in our hotel we heard a few welsh accents so decided to ask where they were from, Skewen they said if that was not bad enough when I said where I was from the older women in the party said she had just lost her husband who was a copper and was on the Lynette White case .
After a few drinks she said to me you would have loved my husband he was the salt of the earth.
I think not, I know how these scum worked,later found out he was to do with the admin/paperwork so it was probably down to him why said paperwork went missing.
A very sad horrendous case all round and how these police officers behaved and got away with what they did is absolutely unbelievable.