Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
Honestly, no one who reads this forum is interested in the same three usernames constantly talking about me. I admit it does entertain me when I see threads like the Tucker Carlson one, I didn't even post in it but there's about half a page talking about me. But for the sake of everyone else, maybe give it a rest now? It's been going on for years.

If you want to talk to me about things, then that's fine - but quote my posts instead of making stuff up.

"The covid vaccine causes pancreatic cancer in young women", there you go, that's one conspiracy theory that took me less than 60 seconds to debunk.
To a far, far lesser extent, some of the usual contributors on here have assigned comments to me that I never said, both political and regarding religion, which they could never back up when, like you. I specifically asked for direct quotations and which were obviously not forthcoming. I therefore consider those individuals as either deluded, dishonest, but jobs or simply wind-up merchants and do my best not to even engage with them - although I felt compelled to rise to the bait when Truthpaste was found to be twisting my words yet again.

As a result of such people on here and those simply bouncing on memes rather than engaging in rational discussion this area of the message board is withering on the vine.