Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
Or you'll end up with kids that love you?
Wish I had children when I was younger! Nothing else really.

Left school at 16 in 1964 as soon as I could - hated it! 6 GCE's including Scripture and Art. BUT, times were prosperous and saw an advert in the local echo for Midland Bank...applied and spent twelve years there (passing all Part 1 and Part 2 of their exams).
Married in 1970 then decided in 1976 that it wasn't what I wanted to do all my life (and in hindsight a good decision...). Went to Guildford College for an intensive three month course in Computer Programming, tough course - half dropped out. (so it's never too late to learn something new!)

Jobs came easily BUT we were more intent on building a good home - my wife also had a very good job, and somehow we never got around to it. I ended up as a Business Director for a Software company in London dealing with high profile clients - supermarkets, banks, Insurance companies.

Sadly she died very suddenly in 2011 after over 40 years marriage. Few years later I married a girl from Thailand and we are blessed with two wonderful sons aged 9 and 3! Keeps me young and it's good i/we have all the time to be with them, guide them, look after them. Although long retired I still design websites more for enjoyment than anything else.