I'm old enough to remember the Sheffield Wednesday betting scandal of 1962. 'Bronco' Layne, suggested to his fellow players Peter Swan and Tony Kay that they ensure the outcome of a match against Ipswich and the three all bet against their own side in the match, which Ipswich Town won 2–0. The shocking part of this story for me was that Swan had 19 England caps and Kay was also an England international and was the most expensive footballer at the time.

Even Liverpool are not exempt from a betting scandal. 'Keeper Bruce Grobbelaar is believed to have attempted to throw three matches when playing for 'Pool and two when at Southampton. He is reported to have said after one failed attempt to throw a game, "I dived the wrong way and it f***ing hit my hand”.

Tonight BBC 1 Wales 20.00 is screening The Hidden World of Football about corruption in the lower leagues which features proof suggested by recorded betting patterns. A Welsh football club apparently is implicated.

The 'beautiful game', huh!