Quote Originally Posted by Monster munch View Post
I get what your saying however you can imagine the uproar here if we hadn't participated on the world stage after trying to qualify for so long? Fans would be in even more despair than the dismal football we played. Yes Qatar and FIFA are corrupt as hell, the whole thing stinks but from a fan perspective we don't want to get involved in the politics, we just want to see the football.
In 3 weeks time it'll all be over, hopefully the Qatar government has learnt a thing or two, sadly it probably hasn't and they will continue in their beliefs and traditions. But that is their right, they are their own independent nation and our western values don't have to be accepted in other countries as much as we'd like to see change.
It should never have been held there in the first place so hopefully FIFA don't start looking at saudi as a potential host in the future.
It’s absolutely their right. It’s the hypocrisy that really gets to me. As though we are the bastions of virtue and moral standing.

It’s only 50 years since some of the laws forbidding homosexual acts were removed in this country. As recently as 1998, gay men were prosecuted for group sexual acts. Interesting article here from the guardian:


I went to Qatar. I had an amazing time. There will never be another World Cup where all 32 competing nations exist and live alongside each other for a few weeks in such a relatively small space. Where all stadiums are within a few mile radius. Fabulous experience.

A lot of the stories in the press are absolute horse shit. You can argue the toss over the right of the Qatari’s to host the tournament. The time to take a stance was 12 years ago, though. Nobody did. A coordinated effort from some of the big European countries and fifa would have folded. But they didn’t, and here we are. So let’s get on with things… but please don’t feed me any of that hypocritical virtuous bullshit.