Well he's got to be better than the Tories but it's like watching paint dry

I don't know who writes stuff for him but it's so boring

Absolutely no charisma and far too much as if he's talking to the already paid up members of the local Labour Party at a coffee morning or the party conference

He needs to be up there simply and effectively putting the case for a change of government but he's always drifting into punch and Judy nonsense

The Tories have dug their own grave now he's got to be slowly shovelling in the dirt spade by spade

I think he's hopeless like most Labour and Liberal opposition leaders in my lifetime

Good to hear the liberals are focusing on tory seats in the south though it may even be a pact with Labour to enable an attack on the red wall and Scotland

Pointless wasting money on putting up Labour candidates in Sussex or Berkshire but the liberals could sting them here