Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
Where's Cyril? Neither he nor his merry men (Lardy and Taunton Blue Meanie) have contributed to this thread to attempt a damage control exercise or total derailment.

I know you get a bit gnarly if you don't get the attention you think you deserve but what in what you have said do you want people to reply to, Morg?

You have accused an individual of glorying in his company's crimes. What crimes?

You called out the Daily Mail of all media outlets for spiking a lift from the Project Veritas video only for it to reappear adding Pfizer's response.

You accused Pfizer of employing a sociopath as one of its directors who has a casual disregard for bumping off any number of innocents to boost profits for his scumbag company whilst acting as a genocidal maniac.

We haver two bits of evidence. Heavily edited Project Veritas videos where they have so far refused to release a full transcript and a Pfizer rebuttal that the research they are doing can in no way be classified as gain of function which means mutating the virus (which you say doesn't exist!!!) to make it more virulent of capable of leaping species.

So given that they are supposedly working on a non-existent virus tell us what you are so pleased with yourself about regarding the copious amounts you have posted.