Quote Originally Posted by Claude Blue View Post
This is one, of many, problems I have with Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party.

Most knew that he was, at least, eurosceptic and probably full on anti-EU and if he was as honest and decent as you say then he should never have led what is a massively pro-EU party. Membership of the EU is hardly a minor issue and surely the leader must be fully behind major party policy.

Once the party and it's membership backed remain he should have resigned the leadership. As a supposed man of principle I'm surprised he didn't. Or perhaps he isn't as principled as you think and he abandoned them to keep the trappings of high office.
I thought the world of Jeremy and still do but the only issue I had with him was his anti EU stance. In some ways it was really unfortunate he happened to be Labour leader during an existential national convulsion.