Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
Crikey, you are utterly determined to remain in complete denial, aren't you?

Even when two of the main players in Schwab and Harari stated publicly, evidenced by two videos on this very page which were directed at you, when the former said how they intend to change what it is to be human and the latter boasting of how it was done to most of the world's population. Harari had the gall to claim we will look back at these years as the time "when we agreed to be surveilled all the time."

I detailed in other messages here how easy it is to check whether people emit a Bluetooth address by using a compatible smartphone and Bluetooth finder app. With your expressed interest in Bluetooth technology I'm surprised you haven't given it a whirl to satisfy your curiosity.

Or you don't care to because then you will know for certain you've been kidding yourself.
I don't think it's me that's in denial here.

you stated that one video showed nano machines self assembling after the 10 minutes mark and I watched it and there was nothing of the sort, did you even watch it yourself?

then the second link just has totally unsupported claims that very small rectangular shapes seen under a microscope are electronic components or "a nano router".
total nonsense, these shapes look a lot like salt crystals of various types

as for whether humans emit Bluetooth signals I don't need to dowbi an app to test that, as previously mentioned I've worked on a Bluetooth project for a year or more and some of the testing has involved identifying any signals that can be detected, spoiler alert - none came from humans