Quote Originally Posted by SuperBluebirds91 View Post
Thanks for your reply and well wishes. the issue is that many trans women do not ever transition medically. Same for people who are trans male or non binary etc. for me personally it is due to my health issues thatI couldn’t undergo the surgery and as much I would like that,I know it cannot happen. This is the same for many others but obviously there are a number of reasons. So there are always going to be many trans people who haven’t medically transitioned out there. They may have changed their name and presented as a woman for decades. Now imagine having the feeling 100% that you are a woman but then being told you have to stick to the men’s toilets. You are at risk of assault and verbal abuse and then we are getting back to protect woman again - a full circle. It is extremely difficult to make the transition it literally takes years - decades unless you have money! From start to finish you could be looking at 8-10 years. I have been on the waiting list for testosterone (clinic appointment) for 4 years already. Making these changes have felt like gateways to try and navigate through. Whilst all this is going on you have the trauma of being in a body that does not align with your gender. On top of that you get people questioning your feelings and whether it’s all in your head. You are at risk of assault verbally and physically. All you want to do is actually just decreetly
Y get on with your life like everyone else because let’s face it - life is tough enough with more stuff on top.
There is t a rise in trans people out there - there’s just a rise in people either coming out and finding their voice or realising what the confusion has been for years as there is now so much more awareness, the later is how I realised.
So in order ot make it easier for trans people to be able to say - actually I am a man (for example) removes some of the barriers. A man wanting to go into a woman’s bathroom and assault a woman is not only disgusting but against the law and that should never happen but unfortunately if they want to do this they will do it - they do not need to dress upto do it. A trans woman is absolutely no threat to another woman in those toilets - they just want to wee like the rest of us in peace.

There are people who are trans who will disagree with the majority of trans people and believe it or not there are also trans people who are transphobic each to their own but all I can say is what I’ve gone through and what I’ve seen amongst friends etc.

No one is against safe spaces for women - I’d be the first person to stand up and say women need to be protected from assault and attacks but singling out trans women as the threat or problem is just wrong because even though it is about men assaulting women, trans women have been dragged right into the argument. Of course there are trans people out there who are violent just like anyone else there are amazing trans people out there and there’s selfish people and there’s kind. But when a trans person commits a crime - don’t we just hear about!

The other issue is by keeping trans women out of women’s toilets they are letting men in - trans men. Now tbh the last
Place I want to go is the women’s toilet. The thought of being in infumigated by all the perfume and passing out at all the chatter about ladderred tights but what they don’t realise is I am a guy in the mind - Ido t see the trying to ban trans men from the women’s toilet?

Just a few things and I appreciate you reading as i appreciate it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea to read upon trans topics. Of course I realise some of views will be biased but wi5 lived experience too. The way I see it personally is that a bees nest has been poked.
I've been in the male bathroom when women have walked in, usually because their own toilet is full. Not once have I ever seen any male cause any kind of confrontation.

However, you claim trans women should be able to use the female toilets out of fear that they may be attacked in the male toilets. do you accept that there are women out there that feel like they may be attacked by trans women in female toilets, and if so, why should the rights of a trans woman supercede the rights of a woman?