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Thread: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

  1. #51

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    No, I'm just saying live and let live, that most people are hypocrites, that endless going on about the Royals is probably a distraction from real issues and that Sludge talks about milfs too much.

    Okay the last bit is new, but lots of people get a lot of enjoyment from big occasions like this and so what if they do. We get enjoyment from watching multi millionaires kick footballs around whilst we are fed a lie the players give a shit about us. Are we really in a position to criticise?
    It's not just about the enjoyment for some people but the system whereby those born in the right bed have roles such as head of state, head of the Church of England, avoid paying inheritance tax and are part of an establishment that reeks of privilege, class divide and influence.

    To suggest that opponents of such things should live and let live or concentrate on other matters is rather ridiculous.

    And yes, we are really in a position to criticise.

  2. #52

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    No, I'm just saying live and let live, that most people are hypocrites, that endless going on about the Royals is probably a distraction from real issues and that Sludge talks about milfs too much.

    Okay the last bit is new, but lots of people get a lot of enjoyment from big occasions like this and so what if they do. We get enjoyment from watching multi millionaires kick footballs around whilst we are fed a lie the players give a shit about us. Are we really in a position to criticise?
    You know there is a difference between people choosing to spend their own money watching football, and taxpayers paying tens of millions for the coronation. That money could help the real issues that you refer to.

    I'm not as much of an anti-monarchist as some on here, but it's hard not to be swayed by things like this, and, for example, how much land the royals own (when in the last 7 years we've heard a lot about how the UK is a small island with not much space for its increasing population).

    When the other side of the argument is "yeah but we like football and they're rich so what you gonna do ", it's pretty weak.

  3. #53

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Oh yeah, the interest is understandable. And it's good to have good and interesting debates about topics like this. I'm just not sure that a thread moaning about peasants swearing allegiance is that place. It's kinda misleading, and as I said with tongue in cheek...no one is making you do anything.

    There's probably a cross over of views between us here, as I'm sympathetic to the thrust of what you say, but I find the people moaning about the royal family are usually pretty privileged themselves and this topic is usually a distraction, often from their own inherited wealth and power.

    There is also a pretty big crossover between said people and those who, when push came to shove, actually were pretty keen in cancelling the opinions of 'the people' when they didn't think the same way!

    I just think live and let live. And as football fans who pay good money to watch multi millionaires kick a leather ball while we chant their names, we are probably not best places to criticise other people getting some enjoyment, entertainment or community togetherness from a dose of flag-waving pageantry.
    As others have said before me, the comparison of football and the coronation is pretty strange.
    What football events are asking for £100m in taxpayer money? I was of the understanding that fans pay for tickets and the clubs pay for what goes along with the event. With the added bonus of a positive impact on the local economy.

    I don't really care about the royals, i'll be switching off from it as much as physically possible and let those who want to enjoy it enjoy it. But I do find it hard to understand a country where a government says it has to make tough decisions but can then find money for this sort of nonsense.

    As a side note, no doubt it's already been mentioned but were Charles quite the environmentalist he's made out to be then surely this wouldn't go ahead at all

  4. #54

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I think that's right, yeah. ��
    You really shouldn't have bothered.

  5. #55

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You really shouldn't have bothered.
    Thanks mate

  6. #56

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by superfeathers View Post
    As others have said before me, the comparison of football and the coronation is pretty strange.
    What football events are asking for £100m in taxpayer money? I was of the understanding that fans pay for tickets and the clubs pay for what goes along with the event. With the added bonus of a positive impact on the local economy.

    I don't really care about the royals, i'll be switching off from it as much as physically possible and let those who want to enjoy it enjoy it. But I do find it hard to understand a country where a government says it has to make tough decisions but can then find money for this sort of nonsense.

    As a side note, no doubt it's already been mentioned but were Charles quite the environmentalist he's made out to be then surely this wouldn't go ahead at all
    Football gets loads of taxpayers money. But I'm not comparing football to the royalty. Im comparing being a football fan to being a fan of the coronation as an event. Neither make sense. Both are about drama, symbolism, entertainment etc.

    My point was that I often view a lot of the criticism as being pretty sneering. A more open debate about the benefits of republics v monarchy's would be useful but that isn't going to happen here in a thread with this title.

    I do also think it's used as a bit of virtue signalling too really, because I don't think the royal family has an impact on people's lives at all. I appreciate that symbolically it does, and that does matter to an extent, but practically there are far more things to be done that are far more useful, in my opinion.

    As for the cost to taxpayer's. Well, debating over what govts should spend money on is 50% of all political debate. The reality is money will be spent on things you don't like, and that goes for everyone. That's part and parcel of society.

    I'd love to see the royal family open up more, their estates become more open etc, but I do think on balance they are a positive thing for the UK, and that is based to a large part because I see little of substance from those who oppose it in terms of what would replace it.

    So I view anti-royalism all as a distraction really. Probably just like many view being pro-royal as a distraction too.

    Maybe everyone should just have a beer and let everyone get on with it or not, depending on taste?

  7. #57

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post

    Agree that there are far more practical things to be done, I do also think it's used as a bit of virtue signalling too really, because I don't think the royal family has an impact on people's lives at all. I appreciate that symbolically it does, and that does matter to an extent, but practically there are far more things to be done that are far more useful, in my opinion.

    As for the cost to taxpayer's. Well, debating over what govts should spend money on is 50% of all political debate. The reality is money will be spent on things you don't like, and that goes for everyone. That's part and parcel of society.

    I'd love to see the royal family open up more, their estates become more open etc, but I do think on balance they are a positive thing for the UK, and that is based to a large part because I see little of substance from those who oppose it in terms of what would replace it.

    So I view anti-royalism all as a distraction really. Probably just like many view being pro-royal as a distraction too.

    Maybe everyone should just have a beer and let everyone get on with it or not, depending on taste?
    Well I agree that there are far more practical things that can be done.
    I agree lets all have a beer and get on with it, as I said i'll be doing my own thing to avoid it, although the forecast doesn't look good which does trouble me.
    I'm not sure how you can 'view anti-royalism as a distraction' while every possible media outlet is about 24 hours from going into mass overdrive of pro royalism as a distraction.

    If they could just self fund this sort of thing then I'd be able to ignore it even more, and without sneering. They have enough money as it is but a few suggestions -

    Sponsorship e.g. The Budweiser Buckingham Palace (maybe Brewdog actually, so that at least it's a British brand and might even get a few scots back)
    The soldiers could have a little Mcdonalds logo on their backs.
    I'm sure coke would chip in with a sign and have the Coca Cola Carriage for when he heads back
    Add a few floats into the parade, e.g. Dominos giving out some leaflets to the crowds. They'll all be hungry later.

    I'm sure there are plenty more good ideas like these

  8. #58

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    You know there is a difference between people choosing to spend their own money watching football, and taxpayers paying tens of millions for the coronation. That money could help the real issues that you refer to.

    I'm not as much of an anti-monarchist as some on here, but it's hard not to be swayed by things like this, and, for example, how much land the royals own (when in the last 7 years we've heard a lot about how the UK is a small island with not much space for its increasing population).

    When the other side of the argument is "yeah but we like football and they're rich so what you gonna do ", it's pretty weak.
    This post of yours is a rarity as you put some thought into it. Well, the small amount you were able to muster.

    Joking aside, my biggest gripes about the monarchy is Charlie, nor any of his predecessors dating back almost 1,100 years, received a single vote to become head of state because no-one has ever had an opportunity to cast one.

    Despite being entirely undemocratic, there's never a shortage of those who claim Britain is a democracy, and the most deluded claim it's a beacon of democracy.

    Another false claim is "we're all equal under the law." The Sovereign cannot be arrested for anything as s/he cannot commit a legal wrong. Additionally, when in the Sovereign's presence no family member can have their collar felt. Of course, that cosy arrangement doesn't extend to any of the other 67 million Britons.

    Our Somerset yokel has already touched on what a fantastic wealth preserver the role provides.

    Perhaps the greatest myth of all is the Soveriegn has no real power... theirs is ceremonial or titular. The direct opposite is true. No Act becomes law in the UK until it gains Royal Assent.

    And thanks to the Royal Prerogative powers, the Sovereign can dismiss a government or any minister, including a Prime Minister. That last happened circa 200 years ago when PM Lamb was booted into the long grass.

  9. #59

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Football gets loads of taxpayers money. But I'm not comparing football to the royalty. Im comparing being a football fan to being a fan of the coronation as an event. Neither make sense. Both are about drama, symbolism, entertainment etc.

    My point was that I often view a lot of the criticism as being pretty sneering. A more open debate about the benefits of republics v monarchy's would be useful but that isn't going to happen here in a thread with this title.

    I do also think it's used as a bit of virtue signalling too really, because I don't think the royal family has an impact on people's lives at all. I appreciate that symbolically it does, and that does matter to an extent, but practically there are far more things to be done that are far more useful, in my opinion.

    As for the cost to taxpayer's. Well, debating over what govts should spend money on is 50% of all political debate. The reality is money will be spent on things you don't like, and that goes for everyone. That's part and parcel of society.

    I'd love to see the royal family open up more, their estates become more open etc, but I do think on balance they are a positive thing for the UK, and that is based to a large part because I see little of substance from those who oppose it in terms of what would replace it.

    So I view anti-royalism all as a distraction really. Probably just like many view being pro-royal as a distraction too.

    Maybe everyone should just have a beer and let everyone get on with it or not, depending on taste?
    I have visions of the James Wales equivalent character saying the same about burning witches at the stake in the Middle Ages; or a James Wales priest making the same claim about child sacrifice hundreds of years prior to that. The French version would doubtless voice similar sentiments about the good natured pastime of watching miscreants being beheaded during the Reign of Terror.

  10. #60

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I have visions of the James Wales equivalent character saying the same about burning witches at the stake in the Middle Ages; or a James Wales priest making the same claim about child sacrifice hundreds of years prior to that. The French version would doubtless voice similar sentiments about the good natured pastime of watching miscreants being beheaded during the Reign of Terror.
    You should see someone about these strange hallucinations!

  11. #61

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    You should see someone about these strange hallucinations!
    Mushroom soup ain't what it used to be.

  12. #62
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    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I do, I take the piss out of Americans at times for their messed up society, but they don’t have our ridiculous class system where talentless, entitled nonentities with half a brain cell are indulged to the extent they are given a stage to spout rubbish like that.
    Class system aside Bob, we have our fair share of talentless, entitled nonentities on seemingly endless grifts: Trump, Marj, Bobert, and the slightly more obscure Sinema, Gosar and Kari Lake. There are many others.

  13. #63

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Class system aside Bob, we have our fair share of talentless, entitled nonentities on seemingly endless grifts: Trump, Marj, Bobert, and the slightly more obscure Sinema, Gosar and Kari Lake. There are many others.
    What about Dementia Joe, the hair sniffing king who had a predilection for showering with his daughter, according to her diary, when she was 15?

    I bet you voted for that creature.

  14. #64

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    This is a different approach to marking the occasion 😁

  15. #65

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    "who's that, then?"
    "I don't know; must be a king"
    "he hasn't got shit all over him"


  16. #66

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by Undercoverinwurzelland View Post
    This is a different approach to marking the occasion 😁
    That's a massive cock up

  17. #67

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    That's a massive cock up
    Won't even touch the sides of that crescent, either.

  18. #68

    Re: Swear allegiance to our King you peasants

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Won't even touch the sides of that crescent, either.
    Like waving a pen in the Albert Hall

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