Suffering the occasional piss take of following one of the most uncool bands being Simple Minds since 1985, I'm saddened to learn of the death of John Giblin (bassist) 72.

Up until just before 1985, the legend that is Derek Forbes held down the bottom end, I never saw Forbes play with the band live but did manage to see Forbes in Bristol a few years ago doing his own thing, within the SM fraternity I think that Giblin suffered as he was the original replacement for Forbes, and never got the fans in bulk on side, I saw Giblin play live many times with SM, technically he was a brilliant player, but for me never had the X factor on stage, looking through his resume on wiki has played on some brilliant albums, I doubt that he played a bigger gig than Live Aid, but this gig broadcast on channel four (the Tube) in 1985 introduced me to SM and John Giblin.