If you believe one of the original Bad Boys of Brexit our Nige might be on the brink of leaving this sceptered isle, warm beer and all. Probably why he spends so much time looking wistfully over the Channel on the White Cliffs of Dover.


This seems to have been triggered by his bank, allegedly Coutts, home to Royalty, the elite and....er the Common Man shutting down his bank account without apparently giving him any reason. Now banks don't normally do this on a whim and normally give people the opportunity to make other suitable arrangements, though not apparently in this case. The main reason this happens is one of the following.

  • Suspicious transactions outside of the normal range in the account.
  • Lack of use
  • Suspected fraud
  • Money Laundering
  • Personality clashes (you’ve been rude to staff repeatedly)
  • Support for unlawful activities, terrorism, etc.
  • Reputational risk

Probably one of the more innocent reasons I guess!