Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Here is what will happen if we get a grouping of centrist.....liberal in the UK sense ......and centre left ......Labour in the UK sense .....together with other parties , including the independents , greens etc

All up against the Tories.......centre right and further right 👉

If the main opposition get enough seats under fptp they can govern alone as is likely to happen at the next election

If they don't and need deals under minority government support they can do that or form coalitions

What's bubbling under is a movement to bring in PR ......the labour and liberal parties have moved on since 2010 ....

If that happens it really doesn't matter if people vote liberal or Labour, if they vote it will keep the conservatives out for long periods of time

And for those of us who refuse to vote conservative and for the smaller parties, including the liberals , that will keep their independence

Ideally the labour and liberal party would merge through osmosis

I think you days are numbered
An interesting theory but where does that happen? Spain? Portugal? Germany? Netherlands? Sweden? France? Italy? All essentially shift between centre right and centre left govts with the odd dalliance with something more extreme.

The same people are saying the exact same things you do about the UK govt in France, Germany, Spain etc but they are saying it about centrist or left of centre govts. That's what happens when you've been in power for a while, or in some cases not very long at all.

Wales is actually a slightly bizarre outliar in all that in terms of the length of time of having essentially the same govt.