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Thread: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
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    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by superfeathers View Post
    Yeah it’s an issue, if someone goes into the back of me because they’re stuck to my bumper, whether it’s at 20 or 30. I don’t drive a shit car so won’t be impressed once someone’s inevitably wedged into my boot

    There’s a main road above me which used to be 30. I’m torn on the whole thing because people used to fly up there and my son crosses the road for the school bus. So at that time of day, I’m glad it’s 20, because at least most people are doing <30 rather than 40.

    But then the majority of the day, it feels way too slow. They regularly have speed camera vans, and you’ve got dickheads who actually seem like they want to be on your roof and I’ve even had some people take over. The ones who don’t know there are regular cameras no doubt

    The real answer is probably that every stretch of road is different and this one of mine should be variable speed limits. But unfortunately that seems too sensible so if they want to go all out on 20 then I’d rather they did it with average speed checks
    OK fair point, It will cause mayhem when it's everywhere the really impatient stupid drivers will go too close and there will be some bumps. We've had it here for a while and the speed camera's fixed, and mobile are everywhere, they'll soon be able to spread them out and catch some new unsuspecting motorists and we'll see a bit more of a backlash when everyone in Wales is affected.

  2. #77

  3. #78

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    A viewpoint from rural France...
    To my mind 20mph is simply rediculous and asking for trouble.
    Villages here generally have 50km (31miles). The difference is that there are very few speed cameras monitoring - yet the speed limit is generally respected.
    Why? Many villages have chicanes through the village which naturally reduces speed. Another more recent happening is the placing of traffic lights.....if you are within the limit they stay green.....if you are over the limit they turn red as you approach, until you ARE within the limit.....seems to work....

  4. #79

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Swan View Post
    A viewpoint from rural France...
    To my mind 20mph is simply rediculous and asking for trouble.
    Villages here generally have 50km (31miles). The difference is that there are very few speed cameras monitoring - yet the speed limit is generally respected.
    Why? Many villages have chicanes through the village which naturally reduces speed. Another more recent happening is the placing of traffic lights.....if you are within the limit they stay green.....if you are over the limit they turn red as you approach, until you ARE within the limit.....seems to work....
    why is it asking for trouble? what trouble? from whom?

    driving in rural France is pretty different to most of the UK (not least because of the state of the roads are much better) I have definitely seen lower speed limits than that as well over there.

  5. #80

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    I've already been pulled over for 20mph.I said I'm a Cardiff City fan. I'm on a 90 minute Journey,I'll slow done for the last 30 minutes.

  6. #81

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    why is it asking for trouble? what trouble? from whom?
    Superfeathers makes an interesting point above. He advocates variable speed limits, which seems to be sensible.

    I look at the valleys and there are lots of arterial roads which are 30mph. Some roads are dead quiet during weekdays while kids are at school and adults are out working, yet vehicles will be expected to dawdle along when the chances of an accident are greatly reduced. That will piss drivers off, for sure.

    Is there a reason why delivery drivers in the very early hours when everyone is in bed should drive at 20mph?

  7. #82

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    why is it asking for trouble? what trouble? from whom?
    driving in rural France is pretty different to most of the UK (not least because of the state of the roads are much better) I have definitely seen lower speed limits than that as well over there.

    As has been intimated here....impatience....tailgating...monotony leading to lack of concentration....
    There ARE some lower speed limits (30km) (18.6miles) on France, but very rare, of short distance, and usually where there are some hefty speed bumps.

  8. #83

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    I suppose that we will find out whether or not these speed restrictions have done any good when statistics are released, in terms of air pollution, accident rates etc. Am i for it? I think so, driving across a busy city has its risks, minimising them isn't a bad thing in my opinion, if that's what the outcome is. We hear the scaremongering, the false concern from those who in reality, don't like being told what to do. It was the same when Bus lanes were first implemented then cycle lanes, people were going to get injured, killed, the road is too narrow etc. I can understand Eric's point on the more rural stretches of road where the risk of hitting someone is less, although isn't this more about air pollution than accident rates?

  9. #84

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    isn't this more about air pollution than accident rates?
    The primary reason the Welsh Government keep saying is a reduction in fatalities and serious injuries, reducing the pressures on the NHS. I understand that 20mph in 3rd gear produces the same emissions as 30mph in 4th as revs are virtually the same.

    In the link I provided earlier, Professor Cole says one reason for the speed reduction is to make car travel less attractive. In other words, the Welsh Government know that we can't keep putting more and more cars on the roads and this will hopefully result in fewer car journeys.

  10. #85

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    The primary reason the Welsh Government keep saying is a reduction in fatalities and serious injuries, reducing the pressures on the NHS. I understand that 20mph in 3rd gear produces the same emissions as 30mph in 4th as revs are virtually the same.

    In the link I provided earlier, Professor Cole says one reason for the speed reduction is to make car travel less attractive. In other words, the Welsh Government know that we can't keep putting more and more cars on the roads and this will hopefully result in fewer car journeys.
    Thanks for that Eric, Yup, you're spot on. i did 5 minutes of research and came up with the same answers you gave. There was some interesting stuff tat showed evidence towards people walking their kids to school more, now that the speed reduction had been reduced, and an increase in cycling.

  11. #86

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Thanks for that Eric, Yup, you're spot on. i did 5 minutes of research and came up with the same answers you gave. There was some interesting stuff tat showed evidence towards people walking their kids to school more, now that the speed reduction had been reduced, and an increase in cycling.
    I think that, as a population in general, we've become more and more used to making even the shortest journey by car, rather than walk, and it's become a habit. I doubt we'll see much of an increase in cycling in the valleys with all the hills, mind!

    I used to teach for a music service where you get paid per lesson you taught. I had two reasonably full days but had to get around 7 schools in those 2 days. The increase in journey time would cost me half an hour of lesson time a day for each day and cost me financially around £700 a year. Thankfully I don't work for them any more but I know of friends who do, and they're expecting to lose over a grand in earnings a year. Who is going to reimburse that?

  12. #87

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    With the amount of traffic on Cardiff’s roads it’s very often nigh on impossible to hit 20mph.

  13. #88

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    I think that, as a population in general, we've become more and more used to making even the shortest journey by car, rather than walk, and it's become a habit. I doubt we'll see much of an increase in cycling in the valleys with all the hills, mind!

    I used to teach for a music service where you get paid per lesson you taught. I had two reasonably full days but had to get around 7 schools in those 2 days. The increase in journey time would cost me half an hour of lesson time a day for each day and cost me financially around £700 a year. Thankfully I don't work for them any more but I know of friends who do, and they're expecting to lose over a grand in earnings a year. Who is going to reimburse that?
    Eric, this is by no means a flippant reply, i was self employed for 25 years, but i suppose the extra cost will have to be shouldered by the client. That's what i would do if more of my time was taken up in work. I know that it's not ideal for everyone, change rarely is.

  14. #89

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Eric, this is by no means a flippant reply, i was self employed for 25 years, but i suppose the extra cost will have to be shouldered by the client. That's what i would do if more of my time was taken up in work. I know that it's not ideal for everyone, change rarely is.
    In this case, a price increase might mean less making use of the service, so less work being available.

    In any case, some people will be worse off as a result of these measures, whether it be workers earning less, clients paying more etc.

  15. #90

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    In this case, a price increase might mean less making use of the service, so less work being available.

    In any case, some people will be worse off as a result of these measures, whether it be workers earning less, clients paying more etc.
    Absolutely, can't please everyone, and it is a concern that it could affect working people.

  16. #91

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Genuine question.......are any of the posters on here having to leave home for work significantly earlier in the morning or arriving home much later after work due to the revised speed limits?

  17. #92

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    The primary reason the Welsh Government keep saying is a reduction in fatalities and serious injuries, reducing the pressures on the NHS. I understand that 20mph in 3rd gear produces the same emissions as 30mph in 4th as revs are virtually the same.

    In the link I provided earlier, Professor Cole says one reason for the speed reduction is to make car travel less attractive. In other words, the Welsh Government know that we can't keep putting more and more cars on the roads and this will hopefully result in fewer car journeys.
    Cardiff council haven't got that memo, they've just cancelled the free school bus from gwaelod y Garth to Radyr comp, meaning there will probably be an extra 10-20 cars crawling through Radyr each morning

  18. #93

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Genuine question.......are any of the posters on here having to leave home for work significantly earlier in the morning or arriving home much later after work due to the revised speed limits?
    They haven't been revised yet.

  19. #94

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Genuine question.......are any of the posters on here having to leave home for work significantly earlier in the morning or arriving home much later after work due to the revised speed limits?
    Cardiff bus is cutting back on services from tomorrow (Monday) partially because of the 20mph limits

  20. #95

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    They haven't been revised yet.
    I don't think any of the roads I use to commute are going to change

  21. #96
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Genuine question.......are any of the posters on here having to leave home for work significantly earlier in the morning or arriving home much later after work due to the revised speed limits?
    I leave earlier in the morning not to have to put up with the tailgaters trying to make me go faster than 20 mph, i have previously been leaving the house at circa 6.45, if i can get out around 6.30 volume is significantly less.

  22. #97

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    I leave earlier in the morning not to have to put up with the tailgaters trying to make me go faster than 20 mph, i have previously been leaving the house at circa 6.45, if i can get out around 6.30 volume is significantly less.
    do the tailgaters only leave later?

  23. #98

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    They haven't been revised yet.
    The 20s are operational aren’t they? I bloody hope so, I’ve been happily trundling around for weeks

  24. #99

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    The 20s are operational aren’t they? I bloody hope so, I’ve been happily trundling around for weeks
    17th this all comes into force. As has been said on several posts a blanket 20 is ludicrous. 20 by schools I think would be more sensible. When I was a kid I remember the green cross code ads. Not seen any of that for years. Is that even still taught nowadays

  25. #100

    Re: Petition against 20mph blanket speed limit

    Quote Originally Posted by darran1927 View Post
    17th this all comes into force. As has been said on several posts a blanket 20 is ludicrous. 20 by schools I think would be more sensible. When I was a kid I remember the green cross code ads. Not seen any of that for years. Is that even still taught nowadays
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