Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
It's an embarrassing watch. Most politicians would have come up with a string of weasel words to avoid answering the question directly but poor old Jeremy couldn't even do that.

Do would-be politicians have to pass an examination to get a "how not to answer a question whilst appearing to have answered it" qualification?
It is an embarrassing watch - completely agree.

I sort of understand what he wanted to say about the conflict, why he didn't want to play the 'condemnation game' (it only goes one way) and why he maybe wanted to explain the background and complexity of Hamas (the social, educational, health and administrative parts of a big organisation that goes way beyond the armed men). But not there, and not with Piers Morgan.

Corbyn's judgement is often poor in situations like that. He is naive and non-confrontational - thinks the power of argument will see him through - and he gets eaten alive! All he managed to do was feed the red tops, energise the right, and confuse and demoralise the Palestine solidarity movement. Not his finest moment.