Blatant lies from thatchers police boot boys

Hundreds of miners injured by mounted police who charged into a crowd protesting

Crowd then attack police .....and fair enough .....police then arrest and charge miners saying the police had been initially attacked by miners with bricks

48 miners charged with riot

Police footage obtained by miners lawyers shows police charged at miners before any missiles were thrown and provoked the miners

Police chiefs sent a prepared statement for the police on the ground to use as a basis for their statements ......highly illegal and by chance the prepared statement .....which several coppers refused to use ......there are plenty of good coppers ......exactly mirrored the behaviour needed to be charged with a riot offence 😂......

Lies all round , fed to the media , who as usual sucked up

Court ......throws out all charges , miners innocent

South Yorkshire Police .......?

No copper to this day ever arrested