Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
No rabbit holes. No twisting of your words regardless of your proven twisting of mine on several occasions (and quoted in 'direct speech' I reproduced to boot.

And you highlighted comment above just about says everything about you. A total hypocrite for someone who supposedly espouses Christianity. I have a number of Christian friends who would find your simile as totally outrageous and highly offensive - and if you had any decency you would retract it and be severely embarrassed. No hope of that though.
If all rabbit holes were produced for evil intent like those in Gaza are, then you may have a point.
The quality and extent of rabbit holes have NO connection with evil on their own.
So me saying the quality of your rabbit holes being up there with the quality of those in Gaza is just that.
It is only you, desperately seeking to pin any blame on anyone associated with Christ that is the issue here.
The fact that you are still trying to muddy the waters with this nonsense is only verifying my point.

So keep digging!

Holes won't appear on their own