Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Christians always come out with this Jesus said this when he spoke to the disciples etc etc

How do they know what this Jesus character said ?

It was 2000 years ago for gawds sake and what he was supposed to have said was sometimes reported several hundred years after his death

I mean if I was going to devote my life to someone I would want more evidence than what may have been said 2000 years ago

According to Jesus, Jesus taught us , John said when speaking to the Hebrews......etc etc

Seriously at least science proves that if you don't drink water for 2 weeks you will snuff it .......fact

It's all fairy tales and religious people are being conned
Sludge - I suspect if Jesus turned up at your house tomorrow you would still not accept it was all true - you would dismiss it as an hallucination/a conjuring trick/a hologram/a dream or a Tory scam.

BTW this often quoted old tale that the gospels were written hundreds of years after his death simply won't wash anymore, more like 50 to 60 years max. If anyone wanted to talk to me about significant events that happened 60 years I would easily be able to recall them. Obviously it would be my recollection of the event, other people would, I suspect, have a slightly different recollection - no surprise there. Examples would be the Cuban missile crisis (1962), the winter of 1962/63 and the assassination of JFK in 1963.