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Thread: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

  1. #76

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    No rabbit holes. No twisting of your words regardless of your proven twisting of mine on several occasions (and quoted in 'direct speech' I reproduced to boot.

    And you highlighted comment above just about says everything about you. A total hypocrite for someone who supposedly espouses Christianity. I have a number of Christian friends who would find your simile as totally outrageous and highly offensive - and if you had any decency you would retract it and be severely embarrassed. No hope of that though.
    If all rabbit holes were produced for evil intent like those in Gaza are, then you may have a point.
    The quality and extent of rabbit holes have NO connection with evil on their own.
    So me saying the quality of your rabbit holes being up there with the quality of those in Gaza is just that.
    It is only you, desperately seeking to pin any blame on anyone associated with Christ that is the issue here.
    The fact that you are still trying to muddy the waters with this nonsense is only verifying my point.

    So keep digging!

    Holes won't appear on their own

  2. #77

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    If all rabbit holes were produced for evil intent like those in Gaza are, then you may have a point.
    The quality and extent of rabbit holes have NO connection with evil on their own.
    So me saying the quality of your rabbit holes being up there with the quality of those in Gaza is just that.
    It is only you, desperately seeking to pin any blame on anyone associated with Christ that is the issue here.
    The fact that you are still trying to muddy the waters with this nonsense is only verifying my point.

    So keep digging!

    Holes won't appear on their own
    You are a disgusting hypocrite and a serial, and proven liar. You are an absolute disgrace to decent Christians and an idiot to boot.

  3. #78

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    You are a disgusting hypocrite and a serial, and proven liar. You are an absolute disgrace to decent Christians and an idiot to boot.
    Well said, he accused me aswel.
    Last edited by jeepster; 08-03-24 at 13:57. Reason: spelling

  4. #79

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    You are a disgusting hypocrite and a serial, and proven liar. You are an absolute disgrace to decent Christians and an idiot to boot.
    Very amusing, from someone who has no idea what a Christian is.
    How could you then suddenly be an authority on what a good one is?

  5. #80

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
    Well said, he accused me aswel.
    The growing victim culture strikes again!

    What exactly do you think you've been accused of?

  6. #81

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    The growing victim culture strikes again!

    What exactly do you think you've been accused of?
    You know exactly,to busy to go back through posts.
    I thought you only tell the truth.NOT.

  7. #82

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
    You know exactly,to busy to go back through posts.
    I thought you only tell the truth.NOT.
    I always do, and as the two (declared) Christians on this thread have stated, they will make mistakes, but they will not deliberately aim to deceive. So if you can't be be bothered to present any facts, then your motive remains the same as TBG, to try and discredit those who hold a different world view to your own.

  8. #83

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    I always do, and as the two (declared) Christians on this thread have stated, they will make mistakes, but they will not deliberately aim to deceive. So if you can't be be bothered to present any facts, then your motive remains the same as TBG, to try and discredit those who hold a different world view to your own.
    Just like you.

  9. #84

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
    Just like you.
    If you've got nothing to present be honest enough to say so.
    Gofer and myself have explained our position and world view very clearly over recent years.
    If you can't be bothered or are unable to string your thoughts together then I feel for you.

    Back with the subject, the Christian version of a fundamentalist:-

    * Adheres to the Word of God.
    * Looks to see if history, science and philosophy connect with the Bible.
    * Has the Bible as a sure foundation and is happy for it to be tested from all angles within it's given context.
    * Doesn't need to be worried by new trends, new thoughts, discoveries or unexpected world developments.

  10. #85

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    If you've got nothing to present be honest enough to say so.
    Gofer and myself have explained our position and world view very clearly over recent years.
    If you can't be bothered or are unable to string your thoughts together then I feel for you.

    Back with the subject, the Christian version of a fundamentalist:-

    * Adheres to the Word of God.
    * Looks to see if history, science and philosophy connect with the Bible.
    * Has the Bible as a sure foundation and is happy for it to be tested from all angles within it's given context.
    * Doesn't need to be worried by new trends, new thoughts, discoveries or unexpected world developments.
    Here you go again posting i am unable to to string my thoughts together.
    Brain washed people like you are dangerous one eyed idiot can not think beyond a fictious book of crap.

  11. #86

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
    Here you go again posting i am unable to to string my thoughts together.
    Brain washed people like you are dangerous one eyed idiot can not think beyond a fictious book of crap.
    If all that is true, you should be able to prove your diagnosis very easily.
    I look forward to your comments, as I'm sure you don't wish to be a danger to all your fellow skeptics....

  12. #87

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Rather than me trying to prove anything,can you list all the modern day miracles that have been proved to have happened.

  13. #88

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    If all that is true, you should be able to prove your diagnosis very easily.
    I look forward to your comments, as I'm sure you don't wish to be a danger to all your fellow skeptics....
    You probably don't want to get into a 'proof' discussion

  14. #89

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    I always do, and as the two (declared) Christians on this thread have stated, they will make mistakes, but they will not deliberately aim to deceive. So if you can't be be bothered to present any facts, then your motive remains the same as TBG, to try and discredit those who hold a different world view to your own.
    I don't discredit anyone personally for their religious views, you moron. You are simply unable to read and this is yet another misrepresentation by you.
    I won't ask you to respond with direct quotes of mine as I know you won't be able to back up your assertion.

  15. #90

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    I have no idea why truthpaste is such a serial and outrageous liar. Every single time I have asked him to produce direct quotes of mine to back up his lies, he fails every single time. Every time. Every single time.

    So much for one of the commandments that this enormous and warped hypocrite is supposed to obey.

  16. #91
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I have no idea why truthpaste is such a serial and outrageous liar. Every single time I have asked him to produce direct quotes of mine to back up his lies, he fails every single time. Every time. Every single time.

    So much for one of the commandments that this enormous and warped hypocrite is supposed to obey.
    Truthpaste has taken to presenting himself as one half of a Christian double act with Gofer Blue.

    They may indeed both be Christians, both willing to argue their case on a football messageboard, and both say they are anti religion (by which I take it they see organised Christianity plc of whatever type as antithetical to what they take to be 'Christ's teachings') - but there is a world of difference between Gofer and Truthpaste.

    Gofer is humble and respectful of others, responds to other posters' actual views, explains himself without hammering others over the head with random biblical quotes, and shares his doubts and faith journey. Truthpaste shares none of those qualities.

    I have nothing in common with Gofer's beliefs and faith - but I find his posts interesting and sometimes thought provoking. He adds to the board. Truthpaste doesn't.

  17. #92

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Truthpaste has taken to presenting himself as one half of a Christian double act with Gofer Blue.

    They may indeed both be Christians, both willing to argue their case on a football messageboard, and both say they are anti religion (by which I take it they see organised Christianity plc of whatever type as antithetical to what they take to be 'Christ's teachings') - but there is a world of difference between Gofer and Truthpaste.

    Gofer is humble and respectful of others, responds to other posters' actual views, explains himself without hammering others over the head with random biblical quotes, and shares his doubts and faith journey. Truthpaste shares none of those qualities.

    I have nothing in common with Gofer's beliefs and faith - but I find his posts interesting and sometimes thought provoking. He adds to the board. Truthpaste doesn't.
    I wouldn't wish to bunch Gofer with truthpaste for one second either. They are like chalk and cheese. Gofer behaves on here like a civilised person and is easy and straightforward to communicate with.

  18. #93

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I wouldn't wish to bunch Gofer with truthpaste for one second either. They are like chalk and cheese. Gofer behaves on here like a civilised person and is easy and straightforward to communicate with.
    This how i feel too.

  19. #94

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    As I said, the nature of folklore is that it builds on previous folklore (and it's no coincidence that Christian festivities adopted themes from paganism e.g. Christmas being piggy-backed onto Saturnalia and Easter being named after a pagan godess!)

    The concept of human messiahs existed in Zoroastrianism and not in Abrahamism. And there are probably many, many more examples around the world than this simple soul can think of off the top of his head, no doubt!

    And considering that Judaism doesn't even recognise your Messiah and that there were many others in the region to make a claim to that concept, your argument doesn't stand up.

    You really seem to have no idea about the world outside your indoctrinated bubble and the global cultural context that it sits in.

    By the way, do you actually believe in the talking snake, the talking donkey, the virgin birth, Jesus being the Messiah and people being turned to salt? A simple 'yes' or'no' will suffice - and if so, what evidence is there for those things? Something written in a so-called holy book is not evidence as such, by the way. Self-fulfilling prophecies in a book that refer back to a book itself and which contains nonsense, proven fiction, sheer fantasy and laughable tales (and which is wriiten largely by unknown individuals reported hearsay in an era when the vast population were illiterate and parochial) does not constitute evidence to a thinking person, regardless of whether it satisfies you personally.
    Where to begin!!

    Re: me being in my “indocrinated bubble” – it seems I am not alone, as there are about 2.3 billion other people (roughly 30% of the world's population) in there with me! (Data from Wikipedia). Your fabled Zoroastrian guys represent 0.03% so I suppose that must speak for itself. I wonder how many people have converted to Zoroastrianism down the centuries?

    Re: my question about the Messiah – I was interested to know if the Zoroastrians had actually encountered a person amongst them who claimed to be the Messiah rather than just coming up with the concept of a Messiah.

    Yes, I believe Jesus is THE Messiah. Yes, I believe in the Virgin Birth.

    I know that Jews are still waiting for the Messiah. I have pinched the following quote from Wikipedia because it summarises the Jewish position more succinctly than I could!

    Judaism has never accepted any of the claimed fulfilments of prophecy and holds that the coming of the Messiah will be associated with a specific series of events that have not yet occurred, including the return of Jews to their homeland and the rebuilding of the Temple, a Messianic Age of peace and understanding during which "the knowledge of God" fills the earth."And since Jews believe that none of these events occurred during the lifetime of Jesus (nor have they occurred afterwards), he is not the Messiah for them.

    This sounds very much like the Second Coming to me so maybe they aren't that far off in their belief?

    I have no problem with the dates for Christmas or Easter – as far as I am concerned they could be any dates, as long as there are specific days set aside for us to remember the events. I rather think the secular world would be pretty upset if these two festivals were abolished and along with them the public Christmas and Easter holidays. Alternatively I suppose Christians could be given the time off with paid leave and everyone else should go to work as normal!

    Finally, regarding the talking snake and donkey, I will give you a typical politician's answer!

    It seems to me there are three possible explanations:

    1.The animal actually spoke.
    2.The humans heard the voice of God coming from the animal.
    3.The stories are complete nonsense because everyone knows animals can't speak.

    I think number 3 is unlikely because I'm pretty sure the story would never have made it into the Bible – it would have been discounted as being ridiculous. That leaves me with the other two.

    For number 1 I could say, well, if God is the creator of everything, then the sky's the limit as they say, and no further discussion is possible or necessary. So, yes, I could believe that. Just because it's extremely improbable, well, so is life itself!

    For number 2 I could say, yes, that's possible too. I'm sure there must have been times in your life, even as an atheist, when you have had, shall we say, a “spiritual experience”. For instance standing on a mountain top and having a breath-taking moment when taking in a stunning view such as looking down into the Grand Canyon. I believe in those moments God can speak, maybe not always in audible terms but when particular thoughts suddenly come into your mind. This can also happen in stressful situations too when you are suddenly challenged and unsure what to do or say. So, yes, I could believe number 2 too.

    However once again, in cracked record mode, I have to say all of the above have very little bearing on my faith in Jesus. He looks at the heart of each one of us and something tells me he is not going to reject me or anyone else who claims to be his follower because we don't understand everything that is in the Old Testament.

    I know as an atheist you are interested in challenging my faith, that's fine because if you think I haven't already thought about a lot of these issues you are mistaken! Christianity is based on Jesus Christ and the New Testament recording of the events of that time. You reject these writings because they cannot be corroborated by independent sources or are simply hearsay. We must remember the time when all this took place. Yes, most people were illiterate but as a consequence of that, the oral tradition was very strong and accurate, something which is difficult for us to appreciate today in this world of instant written communication. Hence I have no problem with the work of the gospel writers or of Paul the apostle who was highly literate and could speak/write in at least three languages: Greek, Latin and Hebrew.

    Finally, sorry for the delay in replying - I do have a life outside the CCMB!

  20. #95

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    You probably don't want to get into a 'proof' discussion
    No less than anything you and others are relying upon re pseudo-science.
    If and when you are ready, I'll be here.

  21. #96

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I wouldn't wish to bunch Gofer with truthpaste for one second either. They are like chalk and cheese. Gofer behaves on here like a civilised person and is easy and straightforward to communicate with.
    I'm happy with that assessment from your perspective, it's probably what I would have said before I was saved.
    The only common factor I claimed (re Gofer) is that we have both admitted we are flawed individuals that have seen our need for God's forgiveness and accepted Christ as our Lord & God. Nothing more.

    Gofer takes a very different approach to my own, so yes we are chalk & cheese, correct.

    I have needed to be more confrontational because of the ministry I am in, Gofer is in another area of ministry to my own.
    It's hard to explain, but take the approach of Alex Ferguson and Alf Ramsey; both very respected for getting results, albeit AF over a longer period of time, both equally football managers, but one would bounce teacups off the wall and the other wouldn't dream of it.

    In the end you are not my judge TBG, and while I may continue to make mistakes, none of them will be deliberate or malicious; the key factor will be if you end up taking life, death and your soul more seriously; not how much you hated or loved the messenger.

    Same goes for you Jon. Nobody who is a Christian thinks it's going to be a popularity contest.

  22. #97

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    I'm happy with that assessment from your perspective, it's probably what I would have said before I was saved.
    The only common factor I claimed (re Gofer) is that we have both admitted we are flawed individuals that have seen our need for God's forgiveness and accepted Christ as our Lord & God. Nothing more.

    Gofer takes a very different approach to my own, so yes we are chalk & cheese, correct.

    I have needed to be more confrontational because of the ministry I am in, Gofer is in another area of ministry to my own.
    It's hard to explain, but take the approach of Alex Ferguson and Alf Ramsey; both very respected for getting results, albeit AF over a longer period of time, both equally football managers, but one would bounce teacups off the wall and the other wouldn't dream of it.

    In the end you are not my judge TBG, and while I may continue to make mistakes, none of them will be deliberate or malicious; the key factor will be if you end up taking life, death and your soul more seriously; not how much you hated or loved the messenger.

    Same goes for you Jon. Nobody who is a Christian thinks it's going to be a popularity contest.

    Unusually I have some time on my hands this afternoon!

    I concur with you on your latest post. You are correct, I do not enjoy confrontation and I tend to go about my faith quietly, preferring “actions speak louder than words” (which is difficult to convey on an Internet forum of course!). I realise this is a bit of a balancing act as I could be accused of being a social activist rather than an evangelical!

    If anyone expects all Christians to be exactly the same in their approach i.e. like clones, then it may come as a bit of a shock to find that that is not the case. As you say, it is not a popularity contest either on here or in life in general. In fact I find it a bit embarrassing that I seem to be classed as the guy in the white hat and you as the guy in the black hat (to quote that well known cowboy film cliché)! I am certainly no saint in the secular, vernacular sense (in the Biblical sense, a bit different of course!). Can you elaborate on this rabbit hole/Hamas thing which seems to have lit TBG's blue touch paper?

    It can be tiresome being classified as gullible, non-intellectual, crutch-requiring thicko's as if I have accepted everything in the Bible without question. I would say my faith is evidence-based rather than blind faith, but of course for most people the New Testament does not constitute evidence they argue, as it was written so long after the events (or at least a very handy excuse for not looking any further in case it might just be true!). I only became a Christian in my late 30's when I looked into the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus and found that this could be proven “beyond reasonable doubt” as a defence lawyer would put it.

    I think I have already said in a previous post that I tend towards the “shake the dust off my shoes” approach rather than continue the debate in a confrontational manner but it is difficult to resist the temptation to respond when faced with some of the spurious arguments put forward! My Dad used to use the phrase “slowly, slowly, catchee monkey” in this sort of situation. If tempers are lost or verbal abuse is used, then he would say that you have already lost the argument – that has always stayed with me but it's not always easy to put into practice!

  23. #98

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Unusually I have some time on my hands this afternoon!

    I concur with you on your latest post. You are correct, I do not enjoy confrontation and I tend to go about my faith quietly, preferring “actions speak louder than words” (which is difficult to convey on an Internet forum of course!). I realise this is a bit of a balancing act as I could be accused of being a social activist rather than an evangelical!

    If anyone expects all Christians to be exactly the same in their approach i.e. like clones, then it may come as a bit of a shock to find that that is not the case. As you say, it is not a popularity contest either on here or in life in general. In fact I find it a bit embarrassing that I seem to be classed as the guy in the white hat and you as the guy in the black hat (to quote that well known cowboy film cliché)! I am certainly no saint in the secular, vernacular sense (in the Biblical sense, a bit different of course!). Can you elaborate on this rabbit hole/Hamas thing which seems to have lit TBG's blue touch paper
    Thanks for your comprehensive reply and considered thoughts.
    I've no issue being the guy with the black hat etc - I would rather 50 people broke my nose but all ended up knowing which way was up and us all laughing about it in eternity.
    100 years from now, it won't matter who had 2 million followers online, or who drove an X7, or who was lambasted for standing up for their faith and quoting the Bible; all that will matter is what people decided re Jesus Christ while they where here on Earth.
    I applaud your approach re your faith and I too have many contacts across many "real-life" face to face social groups where it is a lot easier to demonstrate Christian love, care and practical help. I'm currently urgently trying to help a guy move from Riverside to Cathays within 24 hours.
    The Hamas thing was me simply saying that some individuals create rabbit holes (to the standard of those in Gaza) to avoid discussing the key issues; so predictably (as we live in a victim culture) that was taken as me saying that anyone that dug such rabbit holes was as evil as Hamas!
    Will reply further later, have to head out now. Take care.

  24. #99

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    It can be tiresome being classified as gullible, non-intellectual, crutch-requiring thicko's as if I have accepted everything in the Bible without question. I would say my faith is evidence-based rather than blind faith, but of course for most people the New Testament does not constitute evidence they argue, as it was written so long after the events (or at least a very handy excuse for not looking any further in case it might just be true!). I only became a Christian in my late 30's when I looked into the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus and found that this could be proven “beyond reasonable doubt” as a defence lawyer would put it.

    I think I have already said in a previous post that I tend towards the “shake the dust off my shoes” approach rather than continue the debate in a confrontational manner but it is difficult to resist the temptation to respond when faced with some of the spurious arguments put forward! My Dad used to use the phrase “slowly, slowly, catchee monkey” in this sort of situation. If tempers are lost or verbal abuse is used, then he would say that you have already lost the argument – that has always stayed with me but it's not always easy to put into practice!
    Indeed, the BBC, National Geo, Hollywood and many others love to portray Christians as naive and lacking in all the facts.
    The truth is very different as many successful and brave scientists have stated, though the very thought that this is a remote possibility drives the skeptic to run for cover, or into the 'safety' of skeptical anti-biblical websites or half bakes scientific theories that only have a basis in acceptability rather than hard facts.

    If they did what you, Lee Stroble or Josh McDowell (and thousands of others) has done, and look at the evidence for the resurrection, they would be left with no doubt whatsoever. But why look if you want to remain in denial?

    There are times when shaking the dust off your shoes is the wise approach, yet with social media you never know who is listening or reading outside the sphere of the participants, or even if those taking part are taking things far more seriously than they let on.

    Many in the States are counting the hours until this second major total eclipse (8.4.24), which is interestingly crossing a number of places in the States called Nineveh! Either way, the time that people have to consider these things won't last forever, and the state of people in the original Nineveh was far worse than even our society today (and they too had a total eclipse before you know who arrived to warn then via God's Message for the entire region).

    So keep going...!

  25. #100

    Re: What do you understand a FUNDAMENTALIST to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    Indeed, the BBC, National Geo, Hollywood and many others love to portray Christians as naive and lacking in all the facts.
    The truth is very different as many successful and brave scientists have stated, though the very thought that this is a remote possibility drives the skeptic to run for cover, or into the 'safety' of skeptical anti-biblical websites or half bakes scientific theories that only have a basis in acceptability rather than hard facts.

    If they did what you, Lee Stroble or Josh McDowell (and thousands of others) has done, and look at the evidence for the resurrection, they would be left with no doubt whatsoever. But why look if you want to remain in denial?

    There are times when shaking the dust off your shoes is the wise approach, yet with social media you never know who is listening or reading outside the sphere of the participants, or even if those taking part are taking things far more seriously than they let on.

    Many in the States are counting the hours until this second major total eclipse (8.4.24), which is interestingly crossing a number of places in the States called Nineveh! Either way, the time that people have to consider these things won't last forever, and the state of people in the original Nineveh was far worse than even our society today (and they too had a total eclipse before you know who arrived to warn then via God's Message for the entire region).

    So keep going...!
    Mostly Frank Morrison (of "Who moved the stone?" fame) in my case, although I have read McDowell and Strobel too.

    Yes, for a "non-subject" which Christianity is often portrayed as (Dawkins et al), it amazes me that this thread now has in excess of 3700 views!

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