Quote Originally Posted by Hot Shot Hamish. View Post
I hate to say it, but as much as the City has meant to me for the last 50 odd years, I just couldn’t face going last night and getting to watch such a turgid side. I know we all say at times it’s the win that’s important, but it is nice once in a while to be entertained with some decent football. Sadly neither winning nor entertainment look possible at the moment.

With Wales playing Ireland on Saturday I’m guessing there’ll be another shite crowd on Saturday. Perhaps that’s what the hierarchy needs to see, thousands of empty blue seats. I’m guessing I’ll be back on Saturday, but there is a little voice saying in my head to go and watch Merthyr instead. They are currently losing more than they are winning but at least there’s a bit of football being played.
Time was when the win was everything for me, but the lack of entertainment game after game, month after month and season after season has made me realise that’s not true any more - maybe it never was really.