Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
Right to buy is good - ask just about every ex council house tenant that bought - got that ? - good. Lets move on.
Someone being against council house right to buy - then go and buy one. That is bad - got that ? - good lets move on.
Councils not being able to re-invest money from sold council property - bad - got that ? - Lets move on.
and finally being a political hypocrite - very very bad on any level no matter what party / parliament / assembly / council etc.
It's slightly odd to be that arsy when someone asks you your opinion.

One final question, do you think the discounts offered were too big, too small or about right?

There's a few reasons to be skeptical of the policy

Someone could not like selling council properties. Someone else might not think it was good value for money because of the level of discounts.
Someone else might not mind the above, but might be against the policy of not allowing councils to rebuild 1:1

I am more interesting in reading views about policy than politicians.