Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
It may have been a record 'swing' but the Labour vote count shifted by about 100 votes in the by election a fortnight ago. All that tells you is that the conservative stayed at home - whilst the same people that voted Lab last voted Labour this time. If the 'missing' conservative voters come out it's a different picture.

For what it's worth all this has the same feel as both 1992 and 1997 election. 1992 Kinnock was parading around as the next PM - and lost. Blair wasnt so presumptuous and won by a landslide as Major had all the charisma of a wet sponge.

I think Sludge is probably right - minority win to Sir Keir or Lib/Lab pact.

Lab will blame everything on the previous Govt - and so the cycle begins - all over again.

Personally I'd love to see Drakeford or Born Guessing as PM to really demonstrate what a sh1tshow really looks like
You aren’t satisfied that the current shitshow is leagues ahead than anything we have seen before? What would it take? Astonishing.