Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
Two different points there though. The one about COVID is that it entirely skews any political decisions, has made it very difficult to assess out outcomes yet. That goes for any govr elected in 2019,2020,2021 etc and certainly a big political and economic change that happened in Feb 2021 and was followed a few weeks later by a global pandemic.

The basic matrics comparing UK and the EU are very mixed. There is no clear picture when viewed holistically.

And, nope I don't think the EU is particularly good for working class Europeans. Not all bad by any stretch but could do so much better.

The irony is that itd a free market obsessed institution run by Conservatives for the many years and which we democratically chose to leave, overwhelmingly so in poorer communities. And yet still great swathes of the British left fawn over it and condemn anyone for wanting out.
...and having told me that I am in no position to judge the impact of the EU on working class lives here, you presume to know how the EU is for working class Europeans! Classic James