Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
I wouldn't call what often goes on on here (or on much of the internet, of course) as debate. Supercilious, dismissive, you're-either-with-us-or-against-us, how-very-dare-you-criticise-Ray-McStay, overemotional rhetoric sometimes but not debate.

It's also kind of ironic that even though there are suggestions not to take it so seriously, many of the posters who have given up or post less were ones who - in the main - didn't take it too seriously. (What happened to Delmbox, for instance?). So, maybe it's not just about taking things too seriously.

And of course, we're mostly middle-aged or old men so heaven forfend we're going about things in the wrong way.

Anyway, all the best to Eric.
Blimey, yeah, what happened to Delmbox? I can see that if you take this place or yourself too seriously it could be a problem.