Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
I have to smile inwardly when I give the "odd" change in addition to a £5 or £10 note, e.g. for say £5.30 I give a £10 note (if that's all I have) plus 30p so the assistant simply has to give me a £5 note back. The look on his/her face as if to say..."how did you know that" when the till display tells them to give me a fiver change!
A few years back I was working in Rumney, I had a young lad helping me, great kid. And I had a mate, who had a lorry, clearing site for me. We got talking about the ‘odd’ when buying something, the young lad was absolutely baffled, couldn’t get his head around you giving change with a note to the server over the price of what you were buying. Anyway, I had to nip out for something or other, when I came back my lorry driver mate was on one side of the wall giving the young lad, who was on the other side, a tenner with change. He was actually acting out a shop/pub scene to illustrate what we were on about and how it made the server’s job easier and prevented you from walking around with a pocket full of smash. Pubs and shops used to love this, as it gave them more change in the till for further transactions. Did the youngster get it? Did he f*ck